Wednesday, March 23, 2011

6 Months!

 WOW! We've made it half a year... Its unbelievable the things Tommy and I have learned and the things Emmett and Everett have learned. We teach them a little and they teach us a lot! Ive been peed on too many times to count and pulled out more boogies then I can cant haha.

Lets recap the last 6 months...

Starting off with Baby A. Mr. Everett Phillip Fruge born weighing 5lbs 8 oz and wearing preemie diapers and clothes. Everett is know wearing a size 3 diaper and wearing 6-12 mon clothing. He has really grown but his personality hasnt changed all that much haha. Even in his ultrasound pictures he didn't want to cooperate and he is pretty much the same way now. He likes to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. He enjoys his belly time now and is already picking his knees up underneath him the beginnings of crawling. Everett has always been a big eater, but lately he has gotten more picky just the other night I gave him a bite of green beans and he made the most disgusted face ever! haha Which totally cracks me up because he loves pickles... How is that possible? That baby has some messed up taste buds. He is also on this kick where he loves to touch faces like he is trying to remember your face. Emmett hates this!


and on to Baby B. Mr. Emmett James Fruge was the littlest baby Ive ever seen he was born 4lb 6 oz and had a hard time starting off getting a good appetite, but no worries with that anymore! There hasn't been a food Emmett has turned his nose up at he has seemed to love them all. Emmett has been a ham since before he was born waving in ultrasound pictures and even looking at the camera. He loves to smile at people that talk to him when we are out shopping or at a resturant. A woman actually stopped me the other day and said "He is going to be the one to go get the girls with that flirty smile!" Ha... Ha... Oh no...
 Emmett isnt in a much of a hurry to crawl as Everett he gets around just find by rolling he has really perfected rolling to anywhere I am in the living room and crying at my feet to be held. He is definitely my lovey dovey little boy. Emmett has recently picked up a new habit that just drives me crazy but I cant fuss because its so darn cute. He sticks two fingers in his mouth and sucks them instead of a pacifier.

To be continued...

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