Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Peanuts and Cracker Jacks!

I just completed my latest project for Devon Emily Photography.  This is going to be used to take some newborn pictures of one of her clients!  I can't wait to see how it turns out!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

I got to start the day off a little late today thanks to the Emmett and Everett sleeping a little late.  It was so nice!  When they woke up I fed them breakfast and they wanted to go back to sleep!  Can you believe it?? So I took some time to myself and finished up crocheting some carrots I was making for them on the back porch with a cup of coffee!  I'll be posting some pictures of the boys playing with the carrots on Easter.  It was so much fun making them I think I'm going to attempt more veggies soon.  It was so nice not to be rushed to do anything or go anywhere.  So relaxing!

Spent lunch time with the family visiting and enjoying the beautiful weather we had today.  It was a little windy, but Ill take windy over hot any day.

In the late afternoon, I got to watch a little backyard baseball game until the sun went down.  Then I got to finish up another hat I started.  You can't really see in this picture but the bottom is scalloped

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Homemade Bunny Ears

I lost track of time and did not schedule Easter Pictures for the boys.  So I decided to try to take them on my own.  A quick trip to Micheal's and I bought a basket (a few baskets actually), and some eggs.  I decided to go for the eggs that look like real eggs.  You can't see it here but they even have speckles on them!  I will easily be able to use them as decoration when we are done with pictures.  The boys seemed to like them they both kept looking over the side of the basket at them. 
I was also able to get some pictures with the bunny ears I made for the boys.  These took me quite a while to finish.  I had to use pipe cleaner to be able to shape the ears.

I found a super easy online photo editer to use.  It was so easy to use it made me feel like a pro!

Friday, April 15, 2011

a fluffy experiment

Isn't this yarn beautiful???  Can someone say MSU??  Check out some of the other colors here.

I've never worked with handspun yarn before, but I've seen so many patterns lately that I just have to try it out!  Look at how adorable these patterns are...
This flower pattern is one of the cutest photo props I've ever seen.  It comes from Inner Hooker
 When I found this avaitor hat I knew it was something I just had to make for Emmett and Everett!  Isnt it just the cutest thing??  Another great one from Inner Hooker

I will soon be placing my order for some of this hand spun yarn... and when I get it in I'm sure I'll spend several nights staying up way to late after I put Em and Ev to sleep to have a little hooking time.  lol I couldn't resist.  She cracks me up with her name.  Who would've thought of that name???  Pictures to come as soon an I've got something new and fluffy to show!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Im hooked on these!

I've been working my fingers off!  There is so many projects I want to complete and can't get them done fast enough.  This is Everett modeling the bunny hat I made for Easter.  It was lots of fun to make, but took lots of time and patience.  It's much harder to find cute things to crochet for boys.  But I found a few things I'll be working on soon for them.  Ive spent lots of hours on looking for anything and everything.  If you haven't played around on Etsy before I highly recommend it.  But I should warn you it will give you the crafting bug!

I love making booties!  Especially these cute little girl booties.  How could you not fall in love with these cute little shoes???  If you are interested in them let me know.  They will fit a little girl 0-6 mon.